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ERICA Working Group

ERICA Working Group

The ERICA WG has published a new “ERICA series” document, under the title: “REVENUE VARIATION DISCLOSURE - PERIOD 2014-2015”. This note conducts an in-depth analysis of the turnover growth of European non-financial listed groups in order to ascertain their intrinsic dynamism. The turnover growth of the main European non-financial listed groups is analysed in terms of its various components: exchange rate effects, changes in the scope of consolidation and organic growth.

ERICA Working Group

The ERICA WG has published a new "ERICA series" document, under the title: "Dividend distribution in European non-financial listed groups". This short note offers an example of the usefulness of consolidated accounts data (under IFRS standards), enabling more accurate results in dividend analysis as consolidated data avoids the double counting of intra-group dividends which occurs with individual data.


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